Past Performance
Learning Disability
Financial Aid Phone: (781) 736-3712 Admissions Phone : (781) 736-3500 Campus Description: 270-acre, suburban campus in Waltham, 10 miles from Boston. Major airport, bus, and train serve Boston. School operates weekend transportation to Cambridge and Boston. Public transportation serves campus.
Past Performance:
Schools Selected by our Graduates: Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Columbia University, Harvard University, MIT, New York University,Tufts University, University of Chicago, University of Pennsylvania. Our students hired by: Coopers & Lybrand, Fidelity Investments, Grey Advertising, Lehman Brothers, Macy's, Merrill Lynch, Teach for America. Famous Alumni: Marshall Herscovitz, television producer, co-creator of "thirtysomething"; Thomas Friedman, chief diplomatic correspondent, New York Times; Barbara Dortch, Massachusetts Superior Court judge.