Past Performance
Learning Disability
Financial Aid Phone: (605) 274-5216 Admissions Phone : (605) 274-5516 Campus Description: 110-acre campus in Sioux Falls, 220 miles from Minneapolis-St. Paul. Served by air and bus. Public transportation serves campus.
Organizations: Fraternities: Sororities: Religious Organizations: Christian Fellowship, College Congregation and Outreach, Fellowship of Christian Athletes Minority Student Organizations: Native American Council Foreign Student Organizations: International Student Club Other Student Organizations: brass ensemble, Northlanders, concert and varsity bands, chamberorchestra, women's chorus, college and chapel choirs, Young Democrats,College Republicans, volunteer and tutoring groups, debating, drama club,professional groups, special-interest groups Total Registered Organizations: Student Activities: Government; Newspaper: Mirror, published weekly; Magazine; Yearbook; Radio