Past Performance
Learning Disability
Financial Aid Phone: (304) 637-1373 Admissions Phone : (304) 637-1230 Campus Description: 170-acre campus in Elkins, 105 miles east of Charleston and 130 miles south of Pittsburgh, Pa. Served by air; major airports serve Pittsburgh and Washington, D.C. (150 miles); bus serves Clarksburg (58 miles). School operates transportation to downtown Elkins, Clarksburg, and to air and bus terminals.
Organizations: Fraternities: We have 2 fraternities on campus. 16% of the men join a fraternity. Sororities: We have 2 sororities on campus. 13% of the women join a sorority. Religious Organizations: Crossfire Christian Fellowship, Fellowship of Christian Athletes Minority Student Organizations: Black Student Assembly Foreign Student Organizations: International Student Organization Other Student Organizations: choir, jazz choir, coffeehouse, crafts co-op, community service projects,drama productions, Mountain State Forest Festival, departmental,recreational, and special-interest groups Total Registered Organizations: 42 Student Activities: Government; Newspaper: Senator, published once/two weeks; Magazine; Yearbook; Radio