Past Performance
Learning Disability
Financial Aid Phone: (708) 209-3115 Admissions Phone : (708) 209-3104 Campus Description: 40-acre campus in River Forest, 10 miles from Chicago. Air, bus, and train serve Chicgo; bus serves Forest Park; train serves Oak Park (one mile). School operates transportation to all airports, train, and bus stations before and after breaks. Public transportation serves campus.
Organizations: Fraternities: Sororities: Religious Organizations: Youth Ministry teams, Ambassadors for Christ, community outreachprograms, spiritual life representatives, Christian Fellowship,Fellowship of Christian Athletes Minority Student Organizations: Minority Student Alliance Foreign Student Organizations: Other Student Organizations: chamber music group, brass, woodwind, and recorder ensembles, concert,jazz, and pep bands, festival chorus, chapel choir, wind symphony,theatre, pom pom squad, wrestling and baseball auxiliaries, StudentAssociation, departmental groups Total Registered Organizations: 26 Student Activities: Government; Newspaper: Spectator, published once/month; Magazine; Yearbook