Past Performance
Learning Disability
Financial Aid Phone: (218) 299-3010 Admissions Phone : (218) 299-3004 Campus Description: 120-acre campus in Moorhead, one mile from downtown Fargo, N.D. Fargo served by air and train; bus serves Moorhead. School operates transportation to Fargo and to Tri-College University Consortium colleges. Public transportation serves campus.,
Organizations: Fraternities: Sororities: Religious Organizations: Bread and Cheese Study Group, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Koinonia,Mathetai, Spirit Song Promotions, Sunday Night Discipleship, ClownTroupe, outreach teams, Church Youth Day Committee, White EarthMinistries Minority Student Organizations: Harambee Weuse, Native American Awareness Club Foreign Student Organizations: International Student Organization Other Student Organizations: concert choir and band, orchestra, symphonic and other bands, freshmanand chapel choirs, annual music festival, homecoming/family weekendcommittee, intercollegiate debating, forensics, theatre company,political groups, volunteer service organization, departmental andspecial-interest groups Total Registered Organizations: 78 Student Activities: Government; Newspaper: Concordian, published once/week; Magazine; Yearbook; Radio; TV