Past Performance
Learning Disability
Financial Aid Phone: (570) 577-1331 Admissions Phone : (570) 577-1101 Campus Description: 300-acre campus in Lewisburg, 55 miles from Harrisburg. Served by bus; air and train serve Harrisburg. School operates transportation to airports and train station at scheduled vacation periods.
Organizations: Fraternities: We have 12 fraternities on campus. 47% of the men join a fraternity. 12 of the fraternities have a chapter house. Sororities: We have 8 sororities on campus. 52% of the women join a sorority. Religious Organizations: Christian Fellowship, Hillel, Eastern Orthodox Christian group, CatholicCampus Ministry, Chapel Committee, Newman Club Minority Student Organizations: NAACP, African-American Cultural Society, Cumbre, Multicultural Center,Students for Asian Awareness, Arabic Club, Essential, National Society ofBlack Engineers Foreign Student Organizations: International Spectrum, Southeast Asian Student Association, ChineseCulture Club, Korean American Language Society, Japanese Club Other Student Organizations: jazz and rock ensembles, debating, theatre, modern dance and outinggroups, professional and service groups, Big Brothers/Big Sisters,volunteer services, student technical societies Total Registered Organizations: 132 Student Activities: Government; Newspaper: Bucknellian, published weekly; Magazine; Yearbook; Radio