Past Performance
Learning Disability
Financial Aid Phone: (304) 473-8080 Admissions Phone : (304) 473-8510 Campus Description: 80-acre campus in Buckhannon, 30 miles from Clarksburg and 135 miles from Pittsburgh, Pa. Major airport serves Pittsburgh; smaller airport and bus serve Clarksburg. School operates transportation to Clarksburg airport at student breaks.
Organizations: Fraternities: We have 5 fraternities on campus. 25% of the men join a fraternity. 5 of the fraternities have a chapter house. Sororities: We have 4 sororities on campus. 27% of the women join a sorority. Religious Organizations: Religious Life Council, Wesley Fellowship, Loveshine, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Peace With Justice Committee Minority Student Organizations: Black Student Union Foreign Student Organizations: International Student Organization Other Student Organizations: choir, concert chorale, jazz ensemble, concert band, drama groups,forensics, debating, environmental club, volunteer projects, Lively ArtsScience Board, Residence Hall Council, departmental and political groups Total Registered Organizations: 75 Student Activities: Government; Newspaper: Pharos, published weekly; Magazine; Yearbook; Radio