Past Performance
Learning Disability
Financial Aid Phone: (210) 999-8315 Admissions Phone : (210) 999-7207 Campus Description: 113-acre, suburban campus three miles from center of San Antonio
Organizations: Fraternities: We have 5 fraternities on campus. 30% of the men join a fraternity. Sororities: We have 6 sororities on campus. 33% of the women join a sorority. Religious Organizations: Catholic, Baptist, Methodist, and Jewish groups Minority Student Organizations: Black Student Association, Hispanic Student Association Foreign Student Organizations: Foreign Student Association, Asian Student Association Other Student Organizations: choir, orchestra, band, jazz band, community service program, filmcommittee, theatre, Young Democrats, Young Republicans, special-interestgroups Total Registered Organizations: Student Activities: Government; Newspaper: Trinitonian, published weekly; Magazine; Yearbook; Radio