Past Performance
Learning Disability
Financial Aid Phone: (859) 233-8239 Admissions Phone : (859) 233-8242 Campus Description: 35-acre, urban campus in Lexington, 80 miles from Cincinnati, Ohio. Served by air and bus; major airport and train serve Cincinnati. School operates transportation to University of Kentucky library. Public transportation serves campus.
Organizations: Fraternities: We have 4 fraternities on campus. 60% of the men join a fraternity. Sororities: We have 4 sororities on campus. 62% of the women join a sorority. Religious Organizations: Christian Fellowship, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Disciples onCampus Minority Student Organizations: Intercultural Awareness Group, Minority Enhancement Program Foreign Student Organizations: Intercultural Awareness Group Other Student Organizations: a cappella choir, choral union, concert and jazz bands, jazz and windensembles, madrigal singers, Theatre Association, lab theatre, StudentActivities Board, Community Action Network, Freshperson Urban Program,departmental and service groups Total Registered Organizations: 51 Student Activities: Government; Newspaper: Rambler, published weekly; Magazine; Yearbook; Radio